Accounting, reimagined.

Clean books. Fast close. Live insights.

Experience the world's first Accounting AI, backed by expert US-based CPAs.

Clean books, fast close

Reports delivered right when the month ends—not weeks later. Your questions answered 24/7 by Digits AI, with full financial analysis in seconds.

This is accounting at the speed of startup life.

Live dashboards

Build and share live, custom dashboards with powerful insights & analysis in just a few clicks.

Drag, drop, done.

Intuitive Reports

With beautiful visuals & interactive analysis, you’ll understand your business in seconds.

No finance degree required.

Priced for startups

Tax-Ready Books

Get your books closed and ready for tax filing, with live financial data all year long. Self-recategorize transactions as needed, and let Digits thoroughly review your books for tax season.

Starting at

$ 250 /mo

Monthly Accounting

Experience peace of mind with the unbeatable combination of real-time bookkeeping by Digits AI and monthly close backed by our expert, in-house accountants.

Starting at

$ 350 /mo

What people say about us

  • "Digits is a phenomenal and truly game-changing product."

    Kenny Mendes

    COO, Coda

  • "I can't stress how amazing Digits is."

    Nico Nezhat

    Co-Founder & CEO, Olla

  • "Digits is one of the few accounting platforms I get excited to use."

    Sinclair Toffa

    Founder & CEO, Mural

  • "Digits gives me the peace of mind of knowing that I am not spending money on things I shouldn't be."

    Jonathan Raymond

    Founder & CEO, Refound